Synopsis: When young Simon Robertson moves with his family to a new town, he thinks the biggest peril will be the local bullies. Unfortunately, Simon’s new friend Meg informs him that the town has a much darker secret: a body count stretching into the hundreds- courtesy of Porkchop, a deranged madman with a pig mask. When the killer resurfaces, Simon and Meg will experience the most terrifying night of their lives. It’s Still not safe to go back into the woods!
Title..........: Porkchop II: Rise of the Rind (2011) Other Titles...: Porkchops Release date...: 25 Sep 2011 Language.......: English Studio.........: Razor Sharp Studios Split Scene....: No Screen list....: View Container......: mp4 Audio codec....: AAC, 128 Kbps Resolution.....: 480p File Size......: 330mb
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Views:15 views
Tagline:Get off his land….Or Else!
Quality: SD
Year: 2011
Duration: 80 Min
Country:United States
Budget:$ 5.000,00
Director:Eamon Hardiman