Synopsis: In a world of vicious cops, treacherous gangsters, and street violence, everyone plays by someone else`s rules. Capo, a Northern Mexico gangster, plots against one of his associates with the help of his girlfriend, Carla. When his plan takes a different turn, Carla will do anything for her man.BLACK WORM stars Lorena Sanchez as Carla in her first feature film. Also starring Alektra Blue, Mikayla, Tony DeSergio, Van Damage, and Justice Young in some of the best natural hardcore sex on camera.
Title..........: Black Worm (2007) Other Title....: Черный Червь Release date...: 3 Jan 2007 Language.......: English, Deutsch Studio.........: Pulpo Scene..........: Split Total Scene....: 03 Screen list....: View Container......: mp4 Audio codec....: AAC, 128 Kbps Resolution.....: 480p File Size......: 50mb - 100mb
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Views:67 views
Tagline:There is more than meets the eye
Quality: SD
Year: 2007
Duration: 98 Min
Director:Andres Tabogo