Synopsis: In this horror anthology film, three girls pledge the most popular – and cruelest – sorority on campus. For their final task, they must tell the scariest story they know. Containing three distinct stories – one featuring a murderous doll, one a has-been actress and her run in with a film crew of the undead and, finally, a hunt-and-kill fright-fest. The tales inspire someone at the sorority to commit their own murders.
Title..........: The Telling (2009) Native.........: Повелители теней Release date...: April 14, 2009 Language.......: English Container......: mp4 Screenshot.....: View Audio codec....: AAC, 128 Kbps Resolution.....: 480p || 720p File Size......: 292mb || 766mb
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Views:79 views
Quality: HD
Year: 2009
Duration: 84 Min
Country:United States
Director:Harry Grigsby, Nicholas Carpenter