Synopsis: A mind-blowing, erotic horror, Evil Motion’s Succubus stars Raven Riley and Liz Vicious as good and evil adversaries whose origin stems from a very ancient tale. Lilith (Liz Vicious), the fabled first wife of Adam, has been awoken from her slumber with a renewed lust for blood. Due to her defiance of God, Lilith was damned to eternal punishment by having to walk the Earth as a succubus demon feeding on the strength and lust of innocent people. Legend tells that only the eldest daughter in the bloodline of Eve herself has the power to stop Lilith. That chosen one is Raven Riley. She is the one who bears the mark and she will not be able to come to peace until she has slain the succubus.
Title..........: Succubus (2007) Other Titles...: Raven Riley: Demonslayer Release date...: 7 Sep 2007 Language.......: English Studio.........: Evil Motion Split Scene....: No Screen list....: View Container......: mp4 Audio codec....: AAC, 128 Kbps Resolution.....: 360p || 480p File Size......: 323mb || 508mb
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