This spaghetti horror’s storyline revolves around a former hooker (Grandi) running a successful men’s magazine. An obsessed admirer systematically slaughters her models (occasionally increasing the magazine’s output) and supplies the mistress with pictures of their disfigured corpses taken in front of her semi-nude posters visible in the background. Is she going to be the psycho’s next victim?
Title..........: Delirium: Photo of Gioia (1987) Native Titles..: Le foto di Gioia Release date...: 2 Apr 1987 Language.......: Italian Studio.........: Devon Film Split Scene....: No Screen list....: View Container......: mp4 Audio codec....: AAC, 128 Kbps Resolution.....: 480p File Size......: 550mb
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Tagline:Ella provocaba bajas pasiones que terminaban en depravación, horror y muerte…
Quality: SD
Year: 1987
Duration: 94 Min
Director:Lamberto Bava
Cast:Béatrice Kruger, Capucine, Daria Nicolodi, David Brandon, George Eastman, Gianni Franco, Giulio Massimini, Giuseppe Marrocco, Karl Zinny, Lino Salemme, Lionello Pio Di Savoia, Loredana Petricca, Marcia Sedoc, Marco Grillo Spina, Massimo Manasse, Patricia Boom, Sabrina Salerno, Serena Grandi, Trine Michelsen, Vanni Corbellini